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The Do's Before Getting a Tattoo in Bali

Updated: Feb 3

Knowing what to do before getting a tattoo in Bali will make the entire process much more comfortable for both you and your artist. Your artist will be impressed, and they will be able to focus on creating the best piece for you.

Get a good night sleep

Being well-rested before tattoo session

The last thing you want is to arrive exhausted for your tattoo session. Being well-rested is crucial for staying alert and connected with your body during the process. It's important to be responsive to the signals your body sends and act accordingly while getting tattooed. Falling asleep in the chair isn't ideal as your artist works on the intricate details of your tattoo. We recommend going to bed earlier than usual, especially if nervous, allowing extra time to rest and ensuring a good night's sleep.

If you do show up tired, communicate this to your artist. Keeping them informed about your fatigue prevents misunderstandings, making your appointment more comfortable. Otherwise, your session may feel prolonged, and your body might become more sensitive to pain as you battle through yawning and stretching.

Invest that additional time in securing a good night's sleep; you'll undoubtedly appreciate it during your tattoo session.

Take a shower

Take a shower before tattoo appointment

While this might seem like common knowledge, we're highlighting it just to be sure. It's essential to maintain a daily shower routine (which, we hope, you already do), but particularly crucial before your tattoo appointment. The aim is to ensure your skin is as clean as possible, given that the tattooing process involves creating small cuts and opening up the skin. Avoid arriving right after an intense gym session or a basketball game. Not only will your skin lack cleanliness, but also considerate for your artist, who shouldn't have to endure the scent of sweat and dirt as they work closely on your skin.

Moisturize the skin

moisturize the skin before getting a tattoo

Before delving further, it's crucial not to apply moisturizer to your skin on the day of your tattoo to avoid any complications with the needle, tattoo machine, or ink.

With that clarified, the ideal practice is to moisturize your skin days or even weeks in advance. Experiment with various moisturizers until you discover one that complements your skin type. Since everyone's skin reacts differently to lotions, take the time to find one that suits yours. In the days leading up to your session, we recommend moisturizing your skin 1-2 times daily for 5-7 days. During the winter months, when your skin tends to be drier, particularly from December to February, pay extra attention to its appearance and texture in preparation for your tattoo appointment.

Shave the tattoo area

Shave the tattoo area

If the area you will be getting tattooed has hair on it, then it might better to pull out the razor. We suggest shaving 2-3 times weekly in the lead-up to your tattoo appointment. This practice not only readies your skin for the session but also facilitates your artist's work on the designated area.

If you're uneasy about shaving, seek assistance from someone comfortable with the task. It's crucial to avoid irritating the skin, as any irritation must subside before the tattooing can proceed. This holds true for cuts or razor burns; for optimal tattooing conditions, refrain from disturbing the area for at least a week if such issues arise frequently. If you lack assistance, communicate with your tattoo artist about shaving the area for you, ensuring they are informed in advance.

Opting for waxing? Allow sufficient time for your skin to heal before the tattoo appointment. Additionally, don't overlook exfoliation—it aids your pores and enhances the effectiveness of your moisturizer. Speaking of which, moisturizing is key! Opt for products without alcohol to maintain your skin's hydration and health. Keep these steps in mind for a smooth and successful tattoo experience.

Stay hydrated

Be well-hydrated before tattoo session

Before settling into the tattoo session, it's crucial to ensure your body is well-hydrated. We've all experienced the rejuvenating sensation of a glass of water when feeling a bit under the weather, and this becomes even more vital before a tattoo session!

Twenty-four hours prior to your

appointment, focus on consuming ample water. A target of eight 8-oz glasses is ideal to ensure your body is in prime condition. Beyond the health benefits, proper hydration readies your skin for the tattoo process. Well-hydrated skin is more receptive to ink, facilitating a smoother experience for both you and your artist. If you couldn't hydrate adequately before your appointment, consider having a water bottle handy during your session.

After your tattoo is finished, maintaining your hydration routine is vital for the recovery and healing stages. Your body has undergone a significant experience, and water will be your greatest ally.

Eat and have snacks

a well-balanced and nutritious meal before tattoo appointment

Arriving at your appointment on an empty stomach is not advisable. Maintaining your energy is crucial, especially during extended sessions. Opting for a well-balanced and nutritious meal not only supports your body in coping with the needle but also contributes to your mental well-being. This approach prevents dizziness and eliminates the risk of fainting due to exhaustion. If you come in hungry, your artist may suggest more breaks to ensure your body copes effectively with the session.

Additionally, we recommend bringing snacks to your appointments, particularly if you struggle with low

blood sugar. Having a piece of fruit, a granola bar, or some cookies can significantly enhance your experience during those lengthier 6-8 hour sessions. At Playhouse, we often make Tim Horton’s, bubble tea, and Starbucks runs, so please feel free to let us know if you'd like something – we're here to make your experience as comfortable as possible!

Dress for your session

Wear a comfortable outfit during the tattoo process is crucial

Ensuring your comfort during the tattoo process is crucial, and that starts with choosing an outfit that allows for ease. Opt for comfortable clothing—avoid tight jeans or dress shirts. Loose attire prevents random discomfort, overheating, and allows you to effortlessly adjust your position if needed. Additionally, it provides your tattoo artist with easy access to the specific area being tattooed. Imagine getting a lower leg tattoo but showing up in skinny jeans – your artist wouldn't be thrilled!

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