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During Your Bali Tattoo Session

Updated: Feb 3

Do not touch the tattoo or equipment

Do not touch the tattoo or equipment

The tattoo artist ensures a clean and organized workspace, with all tools prepared for optimal tattooing. It's crucial to avoid touching the open wound or the artist's station to prevent infection and contamination of their equipment, including the gun, needle, and ink. If you're feeling unwell, promptly inform your artist, and they will follow necessary precautions.


Prepare a music playlist to listen to during the tattoo session

Many times, you may experience moments of boredom while patiently waiting for your artist to create their masterpiece. In such instances, it's beneficial to have your phone and headphones handy, allowing you to enjoy Netflix or music videos. However, it's important to avoid any form of entertainment that involves excessive movement or disrupts your artist's workflow. Consider bringing a laptop and streaming a movie or sports to keep yourself engaged while waiting for your artist to finish your unique piece.

Ask questions

Ask questions to the tattoo artist about tattoo process

If you're unsure of what's happening or you're not comfortable with how the process is going you need to ask questions. Our artist should have no trouble answering any questions you ask. It's completely normal to seek clarification, and choosing a tattoo artist who demonstrates professionalism and knowledge in their craft is crucial.


Getting a tattoo in Bali is an exciting experience that everybody look forward to. The better prepared you are, the smoother and more enjoyable your appointment will be for both you and your artist. Following the guides that we mention ensures you'll be well-prepared, impressing your artist with your tattoo etiquette. After your Bali tattoo session, a critical phase awaits—the aftercare. For a comprehensive guide on nurturing your new ink, explore our AFTERCARE guide.

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