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Congratulations! You finally did it. You got the tattoo you always wanted. It’s bright and shiny. But now you have to take care of it to make sure the new design heals safely and will continue to look amazing for years to come. Follow this step by step tattoo aftercare guide to help you with the healing process.

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tattoo aftercare

Step by step tattoo aftercare to help the healing process


Make sure you gently remove the wrapping the tattooist has put on a few hours after your tattoo session


Gently wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap and water and be sure to pat dry.


Apply a layer of antibacterial ointment twice a day, but don’t put on another bandage.


Gently wash your tattoo area twice a day with soap and water and gently pat dry before reapplying the antibacterial ointment. 


Keep applying a moisturizer or ointment after you clean it to keep it moist.



Mini Tattoo Balm for any tattoo booking with us!


For sale!

this balm is the original go-to for ink at any stage.

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