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Tattoos have evolved into a widely accepted form of self-expression and art. As the popularity of tattoos grows, so does the importance of understanding the essential aspects of tattoo safety and hygiene.

Tattoo in Bali

Ensuring a Safe and Clean Inked Experience.

The safety of our clients is our top priority, and we are dedicated to providing you with a tattoo experience that ensures peace of mind.


To maintain the highest standards of hygiene and safety in tattooing, we consistently disinfect all equipment, including needles and grips. Our commitment to cleanliness extends to covering equipment with fresh plastic for each customer appointment, preventing any external contamination.


Our tattooists are trained and conditioned to clean as they go. We never ever reuse needles, inks, or any other type of equipment between customers–constantly refreshing for new ones. Our tattooists are always washing their hands and wearing rubber gloves before each job to maintain hygiene and privacy.

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